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One Comment

  1. The message today brought to my mind the time I was deeply in despair, as our daughter was paralyzed and in a coma with no hope of a cure or recovery. Both my husband and I and friends and relatives, anyone ,who knew of our situation had been praying for weeks. It appeared hopeless. Then my sister-in-law, who lived far away and had a large family of her own, arrived, We hugged.each other tightly with great joy. No words were needed. We knew God was blessing us, and a feeling of renewed faith washed over us. Through our connection with each other, we were reassured that our little one would be healed, and she was. It has been a very long road of difficult struggles, but now she is grown and indeed has proven to be a blessing to many. Without my sister-in-law’s intervention we may have given up hope. Don’t ever give up. Remember that God loves us, and He never gives up on us.

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