Worship at 9:30 a.m. Sundays in our sanctuary or
online anytime (see sermon library.)
Go to our Events tab to see special worship
and other upcoming events.

Kids & Youth

We believe that it is very important for families to worship together, but that a message for an adult audience can be a challenge for our younger ones. Kids’ Church is where kids of any age are excused before the sermon to get a fun-sized version of the message for the week, some time to ask questions, and some free choice activities to work on while those who want the full message remain in the sanctuary. Adults and kids reconnect in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level after worship for a snack and an opportunity to engage with other families. Kids’ Church is generally available Sundays August-June, with July off. We offer activity sheets to work on during worship with questions and coloring related to the message, which are available for kids of any age, whether they go down to Kid’s Church or stay with their family.

Events at Holy Trinity are often Intergenerational, allowing families to be involved in fellowship and service to others together, and helping our younger and older members and friends to interact. Click here to find events that are happening soon!

Kids can lead at Holy Trinity by helping with ushering, handing out bulletins and activity sheets, greeting at the doors, and even reading scripture during worship! Older kids can sing in choir, help lead Vacation Bible Camp, and help advise and lead Family Ministry activities. Contact Lynnette to get started!

Some experiences for children, youth and family we are looking forward to in 2024 include: The Event (one day retreat for middle and high school kids), Confirmation, Service To Others in Relational Ministry (STORM) Camp, Vacation Bible Camp, and more!

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