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One Comment

  1. Yesterday (Saturday) I spent the entire day watching THE BIBLE on TV. I had never had all day to do this, and didn’t think I would then, but like any great story, I couldn’t stop watching until it was over. It seems like the lazy way out, but with my limited eyesight, the most practical. I realized what dangerous times those were. One had to be very, wise and careful to survive, and many more were willing to give up their lives for their cause. No one was spared. All religions, nationalities, and sexes were constantly being killed or persecuted, usually at the will of one in power. Of course, I knew the story, but just as children want to hear their favorite bedtime story over and over, I never get tired of this one. The thrill and joy of the ending on Easter morning fills me with all it was meant to do. May you have a joyous and blessed Easter. Amen

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