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  1. Morning has broken, blackbird has sung the first song. I taught in a public elementary school described as an “ open school”. Every morning the entire staff, student body, janitors, etc. would assemble and sing a song. Often it was this very song. Our assembly area was round, so we faced each other. This ritual gave us a sense of belonging and cooperation, working together as a whole, even though we had very different roles to play. Each one was an important part of the whole. Every student was well aware of this, and realized their duty to perform. Granted, it wasn’t always easy or perfect, however, many times we witnessed examples of students reaching out to help someone, who may or may not have been a friend. That student felt secure enough to display caring for someone else. The adults, if any, who saw this , praised their kind actions. The considerate pupil would most likely have helped anyhow. How blessed are we knowing that God will be pleased. We have faith He sees all our actions, but blesses us especially for the good ones. Look around you, wherever you may be to find kindness and goodness in one another.

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