Kindness is a restorative act done for the good of another, handing over something valuable without the expectation of return.
Kindness is a restorative act done for the good of another, handing over something valuable without the expectation of return.
Jesus says that we are blessed when we are at the end of our rope, when we’re exhausted and despairing. Blessed are you who forgives the person who never said sorry, the ridiculed and humiliated, left out and left behind. Jesus turns things upside down. But maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be: our feet…
Jesus loved what the world demeaned: the poor, the sick, foreigners, women, those deemed unclean, the imprisoned. But he didn’t just bring these people into the fold. He moved the center of his kingdom there – with us, the left out.
The point of spiritual practice is not simply carry more, try harder, do better. It fits. It’s easy. As Jesus says, “It’s light, I swear.”
…after all, what is idolatry except beautiful things that do not transform us?
Regula means a “rule of life,” but it is simply a regular pattern of activities that becomes more valuable over time because its structure creates a space for good things.
What does it mean to live by God’s Spirit and not our own, to live according to God’s values and not those of the world?