What does it mean to live by God’s Spirit and not our own, to live according to God’s values and not those of the world?
What does it mean to live by God’s Spirit and not our own, to live according to God’s values and not those of the world?
Spending time with God enables us to start our year with intention. Centered living comes from understanding God’s purpose in this season.
Renewing your soul begins with remembering who you are. In baptism, God calls us beloved.
On Epiphany, we celebrate how God’s love transverses cultural and geographical barriers to become good news for all people. We marvel at the persistence of God to shine the way for the Magi so that they might bear witness to the divine. We honor that the Magi trusted their dreams and returned home by another…
God’s dreams are not for us alone. Simeon and Anna could not keep silent – they witnessed Jesus’ divine presence in the temple and were compelled to speak up. Like the prophet Isaiah, we will not keep silent and we will not rest until what has been sown will spring up as righteousness and peace…
This Christmas story reminds us that we are all dreamers. Like those gathered around the manger, we come to this holy night each year with awe, wonder, and holy imagination for what is possible. Like Mary, we treasure God’s dream in our hearts and commit to keeping it alive. Like the holy family, we believe…
Our interactive, intergenerational Nativity Play, with no rehearsal and with great cheer, tells the story of Jesus’ birth. This year we invite a few more animals to the stable, as we prepare Christmas gifts to communities in need through Heifer International.