The Crucified and Resurrected Life: The Resurrection is God’s final act of lifting up the lowly. In the Resurrection, Jesus defeats death and evil.
The Crucified and Resurrected Life: The Resurrection is God’s final act of lifting up the lowly. In the Resurrection, Jesus defeats death and evil.
Crucified with the Outlaws: Jesus dies as a criminal, hung on a cross between two outlaws. In death Jesus continues to identify with the lowly.
The Final Week: In the final week of Jesus’ life, his teachings and encounters with others expresses what matters most to him.
On the Journey to Jerusalem: The healing of the Samaritan leper demonstrates Jesus’ passion for lifting up the lowly.
Parables from the Underside: Unique parables in Luke point to Jesus’ mission to reach the outsiders, outcasts, and outlaws.
Simon, Do You See This Woman? Jesus valued women, saw them, had compassion for them, ministered to them, and lifted them up. Jesus saw them as children of God, and Jesus sees you.
Lifting Up the Lowly: Jesus came to lift up the lowly. This is a central theme of Luke’s Gospel, which we find from the opening stories as God chooses and uses the “very old” and young people to bring about God’s purposes. Series description: Jesus came to pick up the lowly. In the Gospel of…
With Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes, music and prayer, we begin the Lenten season. We gather this day to confess and repent to realign ourselves with the truth that God is God, and we are not. Series description: Jesus came to pick up the lowly. In the Gospel of Luke, a first-century…