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One Comment

  1. In my experience I have found that people are born with a tendency to be either savers or spenders. Both have their desirable qualities, and both are difficult to to ignore. Early realization of which tendency you possess, makes it easier to follow your financial plan. My husband and I were resourceful and could see the possibilities in objects that crossed our paths, no matter its present condition. Some might perceive that as hoarding, but we didn’t , because we were always willing to part with it, and we knew right where it was. Hoarders are not like that. We were also good at saving….too good. We moved into this home in 1972, so we have accumulated much in spite of many garage sales, giving to others and filling the garbage cans. Now that I can easily imagine meeting my maker, I have a huge potential problem. I’m still in fairly good health, and want to pass this house on to my daughter and grandson, who are not particularly anxious to adopt our “ collections”. God sent me two angels through two other angels. Estate sale managers right here in my neighborhood. I can help them by providing summer employment. They in turn will hire helpers. Through all of this I will be able to stay in my home minus all the extras that require my time and the space. My whole family is on board with this decision, because it will be so much easier for them, too. I am told it will give me the freedom of a huge weight being lifted from my shoulders. Perhaps buyers will be able to afford a much needed item, too! I see it as as a win/win solution! I realize that God sent me this idea, and I am grateful.

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