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The Journey Begins

Lifting Up the Lowly:  Jesus came to lift up the lowly.  This is a central theme of Luke’s Gospel, which we find from the opening stories as God chooses and uses the “very old” and young people to bring about God’s purposes.

Series description: Jesus came to pick up the lowly.  In the Gospel of Luke, a first-century portrait of Jesus, we find stories of Jesus’ ministry with ordinary, unexpected people.  They weren’t perfect.  Many of them were struggling and didn’t have their acts together.  Some of them were outsiders or even outlaws.  Whoever they were, Jesus brought good news of God’s kingdom to those who most needed to hear it.  That includes you and me. Based on the book by Adam Hamilton.

One Comment

  1. I could easily relate to Pastor Chad’s story about being chosen , when teams were being decided. I dreaded those moments, because I, also, knew I wasn’t talented at softball or whatever the game might be. I was terrified of a ball being projected towards me, because I had been hit in the head by a baseball, when I was young. It was definitely an accident. My neighbor playmate was distracted and threw the ball towards me, even though I was standing on my porch. I knew he hadn’t done it intentionally, and that he was sorry and felt bad. It was, however, an experience that remained with me. Fortunately, I knew i had other talents, and would be chosen for more appropriate activities instead. My experiences had already given me a good sense of self esteem. Otherwise my lack of confidence, may have kept me from trying new things, and never been recognized. As children of God, we are obligated to support one another, and encourage each other to use our talents. HERE I AM, LORD. USE ME.

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