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One Comment

  1. The question was when do I experience awe? My answer is every morning , when I wake up! When my feet touch the floor, find my slippers, and I am able to stand and then walk, I thank God for this blessing and also for watching over me through the night. Then I begin to plan in my mind, what I will do on this day? How can I justify this gift? What does God want me to accomplish? It usually takes some time for me to find these answers, but as the day progresses, ideas come to mind, and I realize it will take much more than one day to complete all of them, but it would be possible to finish some, so I begin to pick and choose…..what is the most important? What should be at the top of the list? What do I need to move forward? How much time will it take to finish? By that time I most likely will have eaten my breakfast, and begin to tackle the first one.

    I watched the movie IT’s A WONDERFUL LIFE for the 50th or so time, and thought of Clarence, George Bailey’s angel, who needed to help George recognize how important his life was, revealing to George what his life would have been like, if he had never been born. Of course, it was an excellent idea, as it portrayed his life as a disaster. George was all set to end his miserable existence, on the verge of jumping into the river, when Clarence appeared out of nowhere and George instinctively dived into the water to save Clarence.

    Even if you have never have seen the movie, you have probably guessed, that George sees his life and understands that is what could happen, but doesn’t have to occur. He returns home grateful for everything he had been given….good or bad. ( Just in case you haven’t seen the movie, I won’t spoil it by telling you the ending. ). I want to be like George Bailey……grateful for everything for which I’ve been blest. And don’t tell, but I’d like to missed, too,…..just a little?

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