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  1. Thank you for creating another ritual when we cannot attend in person. Thank you for reminding us of the rituals we observe in our worship.

    • Larry, you are correct in naming online worship as an important new ritual. It was something we had been thinking of for quite some time, but “thanks to” COVID, we moved quickly to action. It’s good to know that you and others find our online worship accessible, especially when you are unable to attend in person.

  2. RITUALS………Almost as far back as I can remember, I have been a part of rituals. I was four years old, when I was first baptized. Then there was moving up to receiving my first Bible in third grade; graduating from sixth grade to junior high school; then senior high school; college; marriage; the baptism of my two children; watching the cycle repeat itself. What a great joy that was! Rituals provided grounding for me. It prepared me for the path ahead by providing me with the knowledge of things to come. Of course, not all was predicted, but when the unexpected did present itself, it wasn’t as difficult to handle as I would imagine it would have been , as I was aware that was inevitable., and I had my family my friends and church to support me. I knew I wasn’t alone; even when my mother died at age 48 years, there were friends and family holding mr up with hugs, tears, and hot dishes. Rituals belong in my life, and even now in my advanced years, I am trying to create new ones for those, who will follow me. May they find them as meaningful as I did, and practice them.

    • Gail, thank you for another thoughtful commentary on this week’s worship theme. I’m grateful that you have experienced the value of rituals in your life, and are working to create new ones that others will find meaningful.

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